Beware, keep alert, for you do not
know when the time will come.
While We Are Waiting...
Advent is a time of anticipatory waiting for the incarnation--for God to burst into our lives. So while we are waiting, there is work and preparation God is calling us to do. Each Sunday in worship, through Scripture and song, we will explore themes of what we do while we are waiting for Jesus to come.
Poinsettia Donations
Add To The Beauty Of Our Worship Spaces This Advent Season
Poinsettias add to the beauty of the Chapel and Sanctuary during the Advent season. You have
the opportunity to purchase these beautiful flowering plants in memory or honor of a special person. Use the
white envelopes in the pew racks prepared for this use or click the button below to order online. Poinsettias are $12 each.
The deadline to make purchases is Sunday, December 10th.
Advent Daily Devotionals
Click the button below to view a digital copy of the Presbyterian Outlook 2023 Daily Advent Devotional called "Apocalyptic Advent: Embracing Hope in the Second Coming of Christ", or click here to request a PDF version via email.
Go & Serve This Advent Season
Local Giving Opportunities
Go & Serve is sponsoring an Angel Tree in partnership with our local Salvation Army. Beginning November 9th, you can choose an ornament with a child's name, age, and desired gifts from a tree located in the 15th St. Sanctuary Lobby. Choose one or more ornaments, purchase the items to fulfill the child's wishes, and return unwrapped gifts with the ornament to the donation area by Sunday, December 3rd. We will deliver the gifts to The Salvation Army the first week of December. You can also drop your gifts off at the Salvation Army's Harrelson Center office.
At SACPC, we are focused on "inspiring one another to love Jesus by staying faithfully present in our community." We give over 10% of our annual budget to mission work through our Go & Serve ministry. Your faithful giving allows us to support critical programs in our community that provide food and shelter to the homeless, support our underserved public schools, and inspire the next generation to be the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the world. This Advent, consider making an end-of-year contribution to the holy work of St. Andrews-Covenant.
National Giving Opportunity
The Christmas Joy Offering will be received on Sunday, December 17th, and again at all Christmas Eve services. This is a special offering that has been received by Presbyterian Churches throughout our denomination since the 1930s. The offering helps fund the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, which provides current and retired church workers with the help they need to get through life’s unexpected challenges. The offering also supports Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. These schools include Menaul School (Albuquerque, NM), Presbyterian Pan American School (Kingsville, TX), and Stillman College (Tuscaloosa, AL). For more information, click the Learn More button.
Ways you can give:
Ways you can give:
- During worship-- put your donation in the special envelopes provided and place them in the offering plates.
- Online--click the button below.
- Via phone: text CHRISTMASJOY to 91999.
Global Giving Opportunity
Since 2011, SACPC has enjoyed a partnership of prayer and friendship with Chuluchosema Church of Central Christian Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). Please consider supporting this partnership again this year to help change and brighten the futures of students whose lives are limited by extreme poverty. Contributions also support weekend vocational training to provide skills such as tailoring, woodworking, and bicycle repair plus a meal (often the only meal received that day).
SACPC Advent Events
Bring the true meaning of Christmas to life this Advent season. We offer a variety of worship experiences for young and old--along with some beloved "traditions" to help make this time of year feel special for you and your family.