Rev. Katherine Harrington
Senior Pastor & Head of Staff
Plans worship services, in collaboration with the music staff and the Associate Pastor, preaching most Sundays. She officiates baptisms, weddings, and funerals when requested. She guides the staff in all their efforts for the congregation and moderates the Session.

Rev. Dr. Gary Smith
Parish Associate
Performs various pastoral duties, helping with preaching, leading worship, teaching, and visitation as needed. Director of Go and Serve Ministries.

Sue McCaffray
Director of Christian Education
Teaches, provides resources, and coordinates planning for adult classes, while coordinating with youth and children's directors to plan overall educational programs at SACPC.

Jen Phelps
Director of Youth Ministries
Plans and implements programs and activities for our middle and high school youth to help them develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, their church and their community.

Lynn Warner
Director of Children's Ministry
Oversees Christian education programming for our Children's Ministry to create family events and opportunities for fellowship and faith formation for children in Kindergarten - 5th Grade.

Cindy Litzinger
Director of Music
Oversees the Music Ministry at SACPC. Works with children in vocal choirs, instrumental groups, and various musical productions. In addition to working with the children, she directs our adult handbell group. 

Angela Burns
Choir Director
Member of the SACPC music team. Leads the Adult vocal choir and helps shape youth musicians to present their gifts in worship.

Matthew McDonald
Contemporary Worship Leader
Responsible for directing and leading the Contemporary Worship Team. Coordinates and leads all contemporary music rehearsals and helps cultivate youth musical talent.

Sara Bryant
Primary role is to serve as the organist/pianist for the traditional worship service. Also supports soloists and ensembles, as needed.

Jim Fox
Production Coordinator
Manages all production aspects of worship services, including live streaming, in collaboration with the worship and music leaders.

René Sasser
Preschool Director
Creates and oversee a physically and emotionally safe, healthy environment for children, teachers, and parents to learn and grow as they navigate the preschool years. Hires and retains a qualified preschool staff.

Catheryn Thomas
Executive Administrator
Handles much of the “behind-the-scenes” work for staff. She updates and manages all of the policies and protocols for staff, assists the Head of Staff with Session requests, and collaborates with other staff members in both big-picture and detailed planning.

Susan Dykes
Financial Administrator
Oversees all financial matters of the church, from processing giving, payroll, and invoices, to assisting the staff and Session with budgets.

Emily Donovan
Communications Director
Responsible for digital communications, keeping the congregation and community engaged and informed via website, app, social media, newsletters, and other media outlets.

Hank Montgomery
Sanctuary A/V
Creates weekly audio CDs of each Sunday sermon which are sent to our home-bound members.

Gayle Bell
Front Desk
Yard work, paper shredder, front desk greeter, mailing of memorial/in honor of cards, filing of accounts payable documents, ordering of coffee supplies and office supplies, care team assignment mailings.

Libby White
Front Desk
Front desk greeter, mailing to homebound members, paperwork for baptisms, weddings and funerals, worship attendance and other database entries.

Chris Collins
Security Team
Provides security for Sunday worship services, POPS, after-hours meetings, and other special events at the church.