Pastoral & Careline Requests

"Come to me, all you who are weary..."

Pastoral & CareLine Requests

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

- Matthew 11:28

Our Pastoral Care team prays regularly for all the prayer requests we receive. Your request can also be published in our CareLine which is made available via our weekly Saints Alive newsletter to provide our congregation with opportunities to pray and rejoice together through life's valley and mountaintop moments. Your name will not be added to the Care Line unless you give permission.  

**Please Note: The hospital no longer makes available names of members who are having a procedure or admission.  Let the church know if you would like a visit, call, prayers or assistance.**

Use the online form below to submit a Care Line request or call  Ann Benson 910.762.9693 x202 to leave a message if you are admitted to the hospital
Please provide contact information so we can follow up on your request, if needed.

Viewing the CareLine

"For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you..."

Colossians 1:9a

The Care Line is published weekly in our Saints Alive newsletter.  To view the most current Care Line, click on the newsletter link below and open our most current weekly newsletter.